Παρασκευή 10 Μαρτίου 2023

Οι αλγόριθμοι (Οδηγός για μια ξεκούραστη ζωή) #54- The Algorithms (Guide to a Relaxed Life) (Comic Strip Vignette )

MAN 1: In conclusion, I don't want to say at all that the situation for us copywriters was very different before the advent of CHATGPT, but since the moment it came it managed to constitute every concept of value of the written text.


MAN 2: You're absolutely right. But now I have to go because I have some flea market shopping to do.


MAN 1: Really, what are you going to buy today?


MAN 1: I want to buy some fruit, some vegetables and a bachelor's 

 thesis for my son.

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