Παρασκευή 5 Μαΐου 2023

Οι αλγόριθμοι (Οδηγός για μια ξεκούραστη ζωή) #69- The Algorithms (Guide to a Relaxed Life) (Comic Strip Vignette )

MAN 1: Listen to this please


VOICE FROM MOBILE: If you love hard work but are not very ambitious, if a good salary is not everything for you, if you do not have very high expectations from your life or high salary demands, if you recognize the fact that your work will modern technology could very easily do, but instead you are productive and useful and you are not bothered that one day you will be replaced by artificial intelligence then you are the right person for the job we offer.


MAN 2: What was that I heard?

MAN 1: I'm looking for an employee to hire immediately
 and asked CHATGPT to write the perfect ad.

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