Πέμπτη 13 Ιουλίου 2023

Οι αλγόριθμοι (Οδηγός για μια ξεκούραστη ζωή) #92- The Algorithms (Guide to a Relaxed Life) (Comic Strip Vignette )

MAN 1: Where did you go? I heard you called off your wedding. What happened;


MAN 2: What happened was I asked ChatGPT to tell me who the ideal woman for me is, and it pointed me to someone else. That is why I annulled my marriage and searched without delay to find her. I found, however, that she was married, and I was obliged to visit her at her house.


MAN 1: And what happened next?


MAN 2: Then I realized she had asked CHATGPT too, so in a sense she was waiting for me. Her husband however was a bit upset. Finally, however, he too accepted the reality. All that the unfortunate man asked of me was, if possible, to be able to visit his children once in a while.

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