Πέμπτη 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Οι αλγόριθμοι (Οδηγός για μια ξεκούραστη ζωή) #44- The Algorithms (Guide to a Relaxed Life) (Comic Strip Vignette )

MAN 1: We had a nice conversation. So good night and sweet dreams.


MAN 2: But didn't I tell you that I have bought a device thanks to which you can choose from a huge list of options what dream you would like to see?


MAN 1: No. What do you mean?


MAN 2: I mean for example today I will choose to see in my dream or that I get 100,000 likes on Instagram or that I become a big hit on Tik Tok.


MAN 1: Does it always work?
MAN 2: Most of the time... for example yesterday when I chose to see
 in my dream Elon Musk retweeting a tweet of mine, flattering enough for him, 
 suddenly a real dream intervened and I found myself seeing kissing
 his beloved under the moonlight. It was pure disappointment.




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