Πέμπτη 16 Μαρτίου 2023

Οι μπλοκαρισμένοι #3 -The blocked ones (Comic Strip Vignette )

WOMAN: I saw the new TV series by costume designer Cynthia Bremlin and I was very impressed. Beautiful suits, modern shirts, leather shoes and tagers for all occasions accurately captured the designer's exceptional aesthetic. Did you see anything good on TV?


MAN: Yes, of course, I saw the excellent film "A Night in Chicago" by the famous costume designer John Sheeran. The film tells the story of a young man who goes through an interview to get a job, wearing an amazing Navy Blue suit, an amazing Chambrey Blue shirt, a beautiful pink tie, silver cufflinks, an Artisti Italiani scarf and Dior Derby shoes worth 1,200 euros.


WOMAN: And finally what happened? did he get the job?
MAN: I'm sorry, but I don't remember so many details.




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