Τετάρτη 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Οι αλγόριθμοι (Οδηγός για μια ξεκούραστη ζωή) #39- The Algorithms (Guide to a Relaxed Life) (Comic Strip Vignette )

WOMAN 1: Did you know that there are some new devices that have a kind of empathy, thanks to the psychological patterns that have been added to them?


WOMAN 2: Yes, of course. I have some of those too.


WOMAN 1: If you don't have anything to do in the afternoon, come by the house and I'll show you how the oven turns on by itself, every time it listens to classical music.


WOMAN 2: I'm sorry, but I can't this afternoon. I have arranged to go for coffee with my toaster


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